Elevate Conception Naturally: Phala Ghrita for Fertility and Wellness

Unlock the secret to enhanced fertility with Phala Ghrita. This Ayurvedic marvel, enriched with ancient herbs, promotes conception, balances hormones, and revitalizes overall health.

Modes of Action:

  • Estrogenic Activity: Phala Ghrita’s phytoestrogens, particularly from Shatavari, stimulate
    estrogen production, crucial for follicular development and ovulation, aligning Ayurvedic
    wisdom with hormonal balance.
  • Reproductive Tissue Nourishment: Nurtures and tones reproductive tissues, preparing the
    body for conception, a testament to the blend’s Dehavardhan property and its role in
    enhancing fertility.
  • Digestive Support: Enhances digestive fire, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption and metabolism,
    essential for a healthy reproductive system from both scientific and Ayurvedic perspectives.
  • Vitality and Energy: Bolsters overall vitality, providing the energy needed for the body’s
    natural healing and reproductive processes, combining the essence of Balya property with
    modern nutritional science.
  • Skin and Complexion: Detoxifies and nourishes skin, promoting a radiant complexion
    through herbal antioxidants, a benefit cherished in Ayurvedic practice and validated by
    dermatological research.
  • Cognitive Function: Improves mental clarity and cognitive function, leveraging Medhya
    herbs to align Ayurvedic tradition with contemporary neuroscientific findings

SKU: BS_1250 Category:

Phala Ghrita is a quintessential Ayurvedic formulation, revered for its efficacy in treating infertility and enhancing conception. It amalgamates the potency of traditional herbs like Manjishta, Kushtha, and Shatavari, with ghee, milk, and sugar, prepared using the ancient Snehapakam method. This elixir is not only a boon for reproductive health but also supports cognitive function, physical vitality, and skin health, embodying the principles of Medhya (intellect promoting), Balya (strength giving), and Dehavardhan (body nourishing).

Function of Each Ingredient:

  • Manjishta, Kushtha, Tagara: Detoxify blood, enhance complexion, and promote relaxation.
  • Amalaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaki (Triphala): Offer deep internal cleansing, improve digestion, and support skin health.
  • Vacha, Haridra: Boost cognitive functions and provide anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Shatavari: Known as a reproductive tonic, enhances fertility and hormonal balance.
  • Other herbs: Each contributes to the formulation’s holistic health benefits, supporting various aspects of physical and mental well-being.

Suggested Use:
Administer orally, 20 ml twice daily for 3 months, to maximize fertility benefits.


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