Hearing Comfort Tablets : Natural Vitamins & Minerals for Auditory Health | 60 tablets

Elevate your hearing health with Hearing Comfort. A blend of essential nutrients supports ear function, reduces tinnitus, and combats age-related hearing loss naturally.

Modes of Action

  • Antioxidative Support: Vitamins and minerals in Hearing Comfort scavenge free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and cellular damage in the auditory system.
  • Inflammatory Reduction: Ingredients like Omega-3 oils and Coenzyme Q10 decrease inflammation in the ear, preventing and alleviating symptoms of hearing loss and tinnitus.
  • Cochlear Protection: Ginseng and essential vitamins protect cochlear hair cells from damage, maintaining their function for better sound translation.
  • Blood Circulation Enhancement: Proper blood flow, crucial for ear health, is supported by the nutrient-rich composition, facilitating nutrient and oxygen delivery.
  • Nerve Function Support: B vitamins, including B12 and Riboflavin, support nerve function, essential for transmitting sound signals from the ear to the brain efficiently.
  • Tinnitus Relief: Magnesium and Zinc address deficiencies that can lead to tinnitus, providing symptomatic relief for those with this condition.

SKU: BS_1322 Category:

Hearing Comfort is an advanced dietary supplement combining Ginseng, Kutki, essential vitamins (C, B12, Riboflavin, Niacin), Beta carotene, Coenzyme Q10, Omega-3 oils, Folic acid, Selenium, Magnesium carbonate, and Zinc bisglycinate. These ingredients, steeped in scientific research and Ayurvedic knowledge, work harmoniously to support auditory health, reduce inflammation, protect cochlear cells, and enhance blood circulation, thereby mitigating the risks of age-related hearing loss and improving ear function.

Ingredient Functions

  • Ginseng ( Panax ginseng) : Enhances cochlear blood flow and reduces inflammation.
  • Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa): Supports liver function and detoxification, indirectly benefiting ear health.
  • Vitamins C and B12: Protect against oxidative stress and support nerve health.
  • Riboflavin, Niacin, Beta Carotene: Improve cellular health and energy, supporting auditory functions.
  • Coenzyme Q10: Enhances energy production in ear cells, improving their function.
  • Omega-3 Oils: Reduce inflammation, supporting overall ear health.
  • Folic Acid, Selenium: Offer antioxidative benefits, protecting the ear from damage.
  • Magnesium Carbonate, Zinc Bisglycinate: Improve mineral balance, reducing tinnitus and improving hearing.

Suggested Use
Incorporate Hearing Comfort into your daily routine as directed by your healthcare provider, to nurture your hearing and maintain ear health as you age.


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