Unveil Radiant Skin with Tuvrak Rasayan: Ayurvedic Healing Meets Scientific Innovation|100gm

Experience the transformative power of Tuvrak Rasayan, blending Ayurvedic traditions with scientific insights for unparalleled skin health and vitality. Revitalize your skin today.

Modes of Action

  • Detoxification: Tuvrak Oil purifies the blood, removing toxins that exacerbate skin conditions. Ayurvedically, it balances the Pitta dosha, responsible for metabolic activities and heat production.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation at the cellular level, mitigating skin redness and irritation. In Ayurveda, it pacifies Pitta and Kapha, alleviating pain and swelling.
  • Antimicrobial: Its potent antimicrobial properties eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi, preventing and treating infections. Ayurvedically, it cleanses the skin, warding off diseasecausing agents.
  • Immunity Enhancement: Strengthens the skin’s natural defense mechanisms against external pollutants and stressors. According to Ayurveda, it boosts the Ojas, enhancing innate immunity.
  • Wound Healing: Accelerates the healing process of wounds and lesions, promoting tissue regeneration. Ayurveda praises its Ropana (healing) properties.
  • Anti-Pyretic: Offers fever-reducing effects, beneficial in conditions of syphilitic origin affecting the skin. It cools and soothes the skin, reducing heat and discomfort.


SKU: BS_1272 Category:

Tuvrak Rasayan, derived from the potent Chaulmoogra tree (Hydnocarpus wightianus), is an exquisite blend of Ayurvedic wisdom and scientific prowess aimed at restoring skin health. This potent formulation harnesses the unique anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and detoxifying properties of Tuvrak Oil, offering a holistic approach to combat chronic skin conditions. By promoting cellular repair and balancing the skin’s doshas, Tuvrak Rasayan provides a natural pathway to clear, rejuvenated skin.

Ingredient Functions

  • Tuvrak Oil: Detoxifies blood, reduces inflammation, and treats chronic skin diseases.
  • Neem: Antimicrobial, detoxifying, enhances skin clarity and health.
  • Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, promotes skin glow and reduces scarring.
  • Manjistha: Blood purifier, improves complexion, addresses skin pigmentation.
  • Aloe Vera: Moisturizes, heals wounds, and soothes skin irritation.
  • Sandalwood: Cools, calms the skin, and reduces pimples and heat rashes.

Suggested Use
Apply Tuvrak Rasayan externally on clean, affected areas twice daily, or as directed by your healthcare provider. For best results, use consistently as part of your skin care routine.


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Unveil Radiant Skin with Tuvrak Rasayan: Ayurvedic Healing Meets Scientific Innovation|100gm
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